Thursday, August 25, 2011

Something to Do

Like so many other people in this beloved country, I cannot keep quiet about the wrongs that we see coming out of Washington D.C. and our local state, county, and city governments.

I truly believe that the VAST MAJORITY of Americans DO NOT want to see the morbidly excessive spending by the government, the lies perpetrated by our politicians, and the overall dishonesty and subterfuge that our country's leaders are imposing on us.

I am not an eloquent speaker or writer. However, I can no longer just sit by and say nothing.  I find that Twitter, and the superb people that I follow, are providing me with much needed information and have caused me to ponder what the future holds for us as American citizens. To put it rather succinctly, we are screwed if things don't change.

We have a Socialist in the Oval Office.  I mean no disrespect to the actual office of the President, but this man, Obama, has an agenda that goes against the very core of values encompassed by the Founders of our great Nation.  Folks, blood was shed, many lives were given in the 1700's so that our nation would stand solid against tyranny.  They warred against oppression and the yolk of wicked leadership.  We find ourselves, I believe, in a very similar circumstance now.

If we do not vote into office the leaders of government that uphold TRUTH, CONSERVATISM, LIBERTY, AND FREEDOM OF THE PEOPLE TO DETERMINE WHAT THE PEOPLE DESIRE, we will lose the very same freedoms and liberties that our Forefathers fought so hard to instill.  We are witnessing the destruction of Liberty, from the inside out, by this current administration.  All they want is for citizens to depend upon government for EVERY SINGLE FACET OF LIFE. 

I challenge each of us to call them, email, and write our leaders and tell them to stop the gross spending, stop the trampling of our Constitution.  Tell them no more.  But I am afraid that our clarion calls are falling on deaf ears.  So, we must put new ears in office.  New leaders who know better and who have no other agenda than to serve the people; leaders who do not have the fattening of their wallets and the enhancement of personal power and gain as their main (and only) agenda.

Continue to fight.  Keep on blogging and learning.  Just do it.  If we don't make a stand now, we will not be able to when they finally strip away every freedom we have.  It will be too late.  Do not hesitate and do not wait a moment longer.

Please be patient with my writings and know that I will do my best to show my love for this greatest of countries. 

God Bless America!


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