For instance, here's a good guy who's done the right thing, has been moral, kind, eloquent. He entered politics and got elected. I'm talking about Marco Rubio. Not a bad man, a good man who speaks above the board and doesn't hide behind closed doors in order to seal dirty political deals. The people of Florida like him alot and he's doing a good job. Then along comes Ed Schultz of MSNBC who slams Rubio by calling him a "pretty boy" who will be "ugly" to seniors by cutting Medicare and Social Security. This is insane. At a time when We the People need to unite against the rise of an ever-growing and over-spending government, we have a man like Schultz attacking the very ones who want to, and actually are, reining in this federal beast of burden.
The Pentagon is under pressure because of upcoming budget cuts. They've got to decide what programs and areas can function on less money. If they don't, the cuts will go forward automatically. That's a shame. In this day and age, when a very significant portion of the world seems hell-bent on developing plans for our downfall, we need to be focusing on ensuring that our military has as much cash as they need to defend our borders and our citizens. Here's an idea: cut out all the frills and perks that our politicians enjoy: limousines, jets, parties, African safaris (Michelle), excellent pay, great hours, invitations as guests to high-brow events, voting their own pay raises, lifetime pensions, free health care, and, I believe, immunity from prosecution of criminal activity. If the last one isn't actual fact, sorry, but it seems that way to me.
Another sad story is the unfortunate and shameful incident involving Peter D'Attilio. Mr D'Attilio was passing out pro-life book markers on August 11th at a fair in Franklin, Massachusetts. BOOK MARKERS, folks, with a pro-life message. He was arrested, handcuffed, and beaten by police. Police accused that he was conspiring to plant bombs at the fair, informing D'Attilio pro-life people do that sort of thing. They searched his vehicle utilizing bomb dogs, all while being held in a cell at the police station. He's been charged with resisting arrest and disturbing the peace and he's now facing over two years in jail and possible fines of hundreds of dollars. This man loves life. He doesn't want to see babies aborted. He's never been in any trouble, has never been confrontational, has never gotten in anybody's face with his beliefs and opinions. He's reported to be a quiet guy. Good grief, he was passing out book markers for crying out loud. For this he was arrested, beaten, and thrown in a jail cell. Wow, doesn't this seem too much? Backwards? Isn't it bizarre? Is this really America or is it Bizarro America? It seems so different from when I was a kid.
On the other hand, here's something that helps me believe that all is not yet lost. Mr. Joe Wurzelbacher, a.k.a. Joe the Plumber, is thinking about running against U.S. Rep. Marcy Kaptur in 2012, according to Republican Party sources. Not a bad idea, Joe. More men and women of Middle America need to run for office and take out the trash that's "serving" us now. That idea doesn't seem backwards at all; it seems like a good idea, a very good idea indeed. That's the way it used to be a long time ago before things got all backwards.
Thanks for reading.
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