We all know the park in NYC that the Occupy Wall Street "protesters" are occupying, right?
It's called Zucotti Park. I hear that it smells really bad and there' garbage all over the place. Maybe it's been cleaned up recently. There's something nasty going on there: Zucotti Lung Disease, intense stupidity and a complete waste of energy and resources.
I believe that their aggression would be better directed toward the real culprits of our nations economic woes: the idiots who proposed the unfettered loan approvals for mortgages through Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to those who could not and would not ever afford to make payments.
Did you know this park is not owned by the city?
It is owned by Brookfield Properties.
Vice President Joe Biden's son.
Oh, the indescribable joy of Hope & Change!
Who sits on the board of Brookfield Properties?
Mayor Bloomberg's live-in girlfriend.
Now, guess what company just recieved some of the last of the Obama Stimulus$$$$$$$.
Thaaaaaaaaaaaaat's right, Brookfield Properties.
Isn't life great?!
Vote OUT the corruption in November of 2012!
Vote in Conservatism in November of 2012.
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