Monday, November 7, 2011

Cut Federal Government Wages! Hey...That'd Help a Little

How puzzling. 

I just don't understand the rationale behind the belief that this is okay and that if things continue like they are, that all will be well with our Beautiful Nation.

We must vote out the Federal Fat Cats that continue to allow uncontrolled spending to run rampant.

Salary of retired US Presidents .............$450,000 FOR LIFE
Salary of House/Senate members ..........$174,000 FOR LIFE
Salary of Speaker of the House .............$223,500 FOR LIFE
Salary of Majority/Minority Leaders.....$193,400 FOR LIFE

Contrast these bits of information above with these little morose morsels of info below:

The average salary of a soldier DEPLOYED IN AFGHANISTAN is only around $38,000.  They put their lives on the line without the benefit of a Secret Service detail and live in some pretty harsh conditions.

The average income for seniors on SOCIAL SECURITY stands at only $12,000.  Some seniors have ONLY social security to live on because they were never able to save enough money for retirement due to INCREDIBLY HIGH TAXES paid out to the Federal Government year after year after year, decade after decade.  Thousand of dollars given to government.  What a pitiful return on investment.

I'm sorry, but I must be the bearer of bad news and remind you that the biggest Fat Cat of them all, Barry Insane Obummer, will be drawing a retirement salary for the rest of his progressivist life.  What a shame!  What a sham!  Imagine...we will have to pay taxes that ultimately get trickled down to the most-embarrassing "President" we've ever had.  He does not deserve it, not at all.  We should demand that because of his traitorous actions, he should be ineligible for any type of post-presidency profit funded by the American taxpayers.

We hear all of this political babble about “We need to cut costs and balance the budget.”  Blah, blah, blah.  Sure would like to see that take place.

But, here’s an idea:

Take a look again at the salaries of retired politicians.

I think we found where the cuts should be made!

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