Monday, November 21, 2011

Supercommittee: EPIC FAIL!

"Despite our inability to bridge the committee's significant differences, we end this process united in our belief that the nation's fiscal crisis must be addressed and that we cannot leave it for the next generation to solve," a statement from co-chairs of the committee read. 

Really?  All the time...wasted?  All the money...wasted?  All the effort...wasted? Oh...wait.  Maybe there wasn't much effort.  OOOOHH!! But you don't understand politics!!  I do, however, understand this: something must be done about our national debt and our ginormous overspending federal government.  Something else I understand: YOU FAILED in your "attempt" to put forth a solution that would help our nation.  You failed.  Period.

A gathering of the best-of-the-best, a committee.  No, a SUPER committee.  This Supercommittee will come up with a solution.  Six on one side, six on the other.  Nope, didn't work.  I knew that it wouldn't.  Many others knew that it wouldn't work.  It was doomed from the start and designed to fail.

Shame on ALL of Washington political leaders, but most of all you, Mr. "President" are to blame.  All you do is blame others, never taking blame for your mishaps, misspeaks or anything else.

And, right on time, classic Obama rhetoric:

"There are still too many Republicans in Congress who have refused to listen to the voices of reason and compromise that are coming from outside of Washington," he said.  Crap, Barry!  How about a new line?

Sure, whatever you say, Barry.  I mean after all, you've been correct in absolutely everything you've said and done since you bull-crapped your way into the most respected office in the world.  In your campaign, you preyed on the desperate and discouraged, convincing them that you would do whatever it took to make things right again.  How's that working?  Good for you, huh?  Bad for America.

Even so, you continue with the same rhetoric now as you did then.  You couldn't wait for your little press conference so you could was philosophical on the real problem: unyielding Republicans.

The truth is this: Democrats refused to agree to any meaningful deficit reduction without $1 trillion in job-killing tax increases.  The Republican House has laid out a good plan; and that can be verified by the way.  "The president, except for his irresponsible budget and the Republican Senate, has done nothing to lay out a plan that can be analyzed by the American people," said Sen. Jeff Sessions, R-Ala., ranking Republican on the Senate Budget Committee.
The Republicans refused to agree to TAX INCREASES.  Sorry, Barry, that's a good thing.  Tax increases are the last thing this government needs to impose on the people right now.  

What we need is a good old fashioned downsizing; starting with you.

That would be a good start.


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Monday, November 14, 2011


Hey, this is great! What are the odds of this happening?

We all know the park in NYC that the Occupy Wall Street "protesters" are occupying, right?

It's called Zucotti Park. I hear that it smells really bad and there' garbage all over the place.  Maybe it's been cleaned up recently. There's something nasty going on there: Zucotti Lung Disease, intense stupidity and a complete waste of energy and resources. 

I believe that their aggression would be better directed toward the real culprits of our nations economic woes: the idiots who proposed the unfettered loan approvals for mortgages through Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to those who could not and would not ever afford to make payments.

Did you know this park is not owned by the city? 

It is owned by Brookfield Properties.

Who was just hired by Brookfield Properties as an attorney? 

Vice President Joe Biden's son.

Oh, the indescribable joy of Hope & Change!

Who sits on the board of Brookfield Properties?

Mayor Bloomberg's live-in girlfriend.

Now, guess what company just recieved some of the last of the Obama Stimulus$$$$$$$.

Thaaaaaaaaaaaaat's right, Brookfield Properties.

Isn't life great?!

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Friday, November 11, 2011

It's Good That We Can Laugh Sometimes

Rick Perry really blew it the other night at the Republican Candidate Debate on CNBC when he experienced his little Brain Freeze.

Or did he?  Maybe it'll work out after all.  It's humanizing this thing called humiliation; and boy, do I think he suffered a bit of humiliation, at least at first.

But he may just turn that goof around by poking fun at himself and, in turn, this oh-so-serious approach to politics.  Don't get me wrong, it's a very serious time, more important than ever before in the history of our Grand Nation.  It's just that we all need to laugh sometimes by taking a look at the lighter side of things and perhaps afterwards, we will improve the discussion and step up the pace by seeking answers to such an important matter as wasteful spending by the federal government.

This should be a top priority of all government leaders.  They say it is, but I don't see any real progress, just a bunch of gum-flapping and jaw-jacking.  If they're really not going to do anything about it, I wish they'd at least stop saying that they are.  It might would be even better if they actually came out and said, "Hey America, we are not going to cut back on spending and we are not going to make or revise any laws, codes, or statutes concerning spending more money than we take in.  So, stop expecting it from us."

That would be okay; it sure as heck would be honest.  Anyway, we'd have an unarguable reason for voting every single one of them out of Washington, D.C.

But, take a break and laugh, everyone.  Then let's get back to it.  Remember now, the goal is to save our Nation.  Let's do what we can.

Click on the link below and take a couple of minutes to laugh at, and along with, Texas Governor Rick Perry as he does David Letterman's Top 10.

The Top 10 List by Rick Perry on David Letterman

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Monday, November 7, 2011

Cut Federal Government Wages! Hey...That'd Help a Little

How puzzling. 

I just don't understand the rationale behind the belief that this is okay and that if things continue like they are, that all will be well with our Beautiful Nation.

We must vote out the Federal Fat Cats that continue to allow uncontrolled spending to run rampant.

Salary of retired US Presidents .............$450,000 FOR LIFE
Salary of House/Senate members ..........$174,000 FOR LIFE
Salary of Speaker of the House .............$223,500 FOR LIFE
Salary of Majority/Minority Leaders.....$193,400 FOR LIFE

Contrast these bits of information above with these little morose morsels of info below:

The average salary of a soldier DEPLOYED IN AFGHANISTAN is only around $38,000.  They put their lives on the line without the benefit of a Secret Service detail and live in some pretty harsh conditions.

The average income for seniors on SOCIAL SECURITY stands at only $12,000.  Some seniors have ONLY social security to live on because they were never able to save enough money for retirement due to INCREDIBLY HIGH TAXES paid out to the Federal Government year after year after year, decade after decade.  Thousand of dollars given to government.  What a pitiful return on investment.

I'm sorry, but I must be the bearer of bad news and remind you that the biggest Fat Cat of them all, Barry Insane Obummer, will be drawing a retirement salary for the rest of his progressivist life.  What a shame!  What a sham!  Imagine...we will have to pay taxes that ultimately get trickled down to the most-embarrassing "President" we've ever had.  He does not deserve it, not at all.  We should demand that because of his traitorous actions, he should be ineligible for any type of post-presidency profit funded by the American taxpayers.

We hear all of this political babble about “We need to cut costs and balance the budget.”  Blah, blah, blah.  Sure would like to see that take place.

But, here’s an idea:

Take a look again at the salaries of retired politicians.

I think we found where the cuts should be made!

If you agree with this, please pass this blog on to your friends and family. 

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