Monday, November 21, 2011

Supercommittee: EPIC FAIL!

"Despite our inability to bridge the committee's significant differences, we end this process united in our belief that the nation's fiscal crisis must be addressed and that we cannot leave it for the next generation to solve," a statement from co-chairs of the committee read. 

Really?  All the time...wasted?  All the money...wasted?  All the effort...wasted? Oh...wait.  Maybe there wasn't much effort.  OOOOHH!! But you don't understand politics!!  I do, however, understand this: something must be done about our national debt and our ginormous overspending federal government.  Something else I understand: YOU FAILED in your "attempt" to put forth a solution that would help our nation.  You failed.  Period.

A gathering of the best-of-the-best, a committee.  No, a SUPER committee.  This Supercommittee will come up with a solution.  Six on one side, six on the other.  Nope, didn't work.  I knew that it wouldn't.  Many others knew that it wouldn't work.  It was doomed from the start and designed to fail.

Shame on ALL of Washington political leaders, but most of all you, Mr. "President" are to blame.  All you do is blame others, never taking blame for your mishaps, misspeaks or anything else.

And, right on time, classic Obama rhetoric:

"There are still too many Republicans in Congress who have refused to listen to the voices of reason and compromise that are coming from outside of Washington," he said.  Crap, Barry!  How about a new line?

Sure, whatever you say, Barry.  I mean after all, you've been correct in absolutely everything you've said and done since you bull-crapped your way into the most respected office in the world.  In your campaign, you preyed on the desperate and discouraged, convincing them that you would do whatever it took to make things right again.  How's that working?  Good for you, huh?  Bad for America.

Even so, you continue with the same rhetoric now as you did then.  You couldn't wait for your little press conference so you could was philosophical on the real problem: unyielding Republicans.

The truth is this: Democrats refused to agree to any meaningful deficit reduction without $1 trillion in job-killing tax increases.  The Republican House has laid out a good plan; and that can be verified by the way.  "The president, except for his irresponsible budget and the Republican Senate, has done nothing to lay out a plan that can be analyzed by the American people," said Sen. Jeff Sessions, R-Ala., ranking Republican on the Senate Budget Committee.
The Republicans refused to agree to TAX INCREASES.  Sorry, Barry, that's a good thing.  Tax increases are the last thing this government needs to impose on the people right now.  

What we need is a good old fashioned downsizing; starting with you.

That would be a good start.


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