Saturday, October 29, 2011

The Agenda: The Socialist Infiltration with a Dab of Sharia Law

A recent story from Creeping Sharia posted by creeping has brought focus on yet another plot to undermine our Patriot Way of Life.  This is America!  This is not Iran, Iraq, Libya, or any other Arab nation.  We do not want, nor do we need sharia law or any aspect of their legal interpretation co-mingled within our justice system or our way of life.

Get it out of here!  Leave if you don't like it.  But here's our sham of an Attorney General actually giving audience and entertaining the notion of cutting funding to battle terrorism and allowing it to be a crime to say something against Islam.  Are you INSANE, Mr. Holder?  What is your problem?!  Did you need something to distract people from your illegal activities concerning Fast and Furious?

If we (Americans, middle class, everyday Joe, you, me, your mom & dad, small business owner) don't do something to put a stop to this type of thinking and" progressiveness" by our "leaders" we will soon be stomped out of existence.

Do not be fooled; do not think that this could never happen in our country.  WE are the ones who elected the very leaders that believe in the plan in this article and those same "leaders" are the ones who have appointed their cronies and placed them in charge of the agencies that make the decisions as to whether or not this type of agenda continues to move forward.  

In other words, WE have elected the ones who’ve appointed people who have this plan as their MAIN OBJECTIVE!

This coming election is our VERY LAST CHANCE to once and for all decide how we want our country to be.  I believe that.  I just don’t see how America will recover from another 4 years of socialistic progressivism.  Obama, Uber-Liberals, and George Soros are in a concerted effort to COMPLETELY annihilate the Conservative Core of the United States of America.  Make no mistake about it: if the only way to progress their agenda is to kill you, then brother and sister, they will kill you.

That’s a radical statement, isn’t it?  History’s lessons provide more than enough proof that this can and will happen.  We are not exempt.

It has been an inside job with an under-the-radar approach.  These socialists have infiltrated every corridor of power.  Slowly and surely, very methodically is their approach. 

Do not think that it’s too late.  It’s not.  We, as American Patriots, love this great and beautiful country.  This country is what the world cries out for.  Our way of life, our freedoms, our liberties, our enterprises, these are the models of a truly peaceful, happy, and content citizenry.


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