In light of the recent Supreme Court decision on ObamaCare, we wonder what will happen next.
What do we need to do?
As Patriots, taxpayers, lovers of our country, we must act in November.
This type of law is a precursor to socialism and socialism does not work; it's been tried throughout history by many nations; it's always, I mean always, failed miserably. Remember the Nazi Party? They got their start primarily due to a nationalized health care system. Remember the Soviet Union? The USSR went down because they imploded; they had no more money and the people were starving and poor. The Soviet economy was shot. Read history books; socialism caves in upon itself and the ones that suffer the most are the common man and woman, the families.
We must have a leader who, at the very least, fundamentally opposes such a law as ObamaCare that REQUIRES us to purchase something that we do not want. Romney has promised to repeal that garbage. And, please, don't bring up driver licenses, fishing licenses, etc. It's not the same thing.
Please vote in November for Mitt Romney. Yes, I know. You don't really want to vote for Romney. Your man, or woman, didn't make the cut in the long run. I understand; my choice didn't make it, either.
But, let's face it! Another four years of Obama and this beautiful country of ours will be stripped of her sovereignty, pride, world-dominance, world-respect, and especially, her military might which has protected her borders and her citizens, not to mention the help we've given to many other countries.
Our freedoms and liberties that we love so dearly were bought and paid for in blood. Never forget that. It's something that Obama doesn't understand or respect. He despises the United States' prominence among the world as well as this nation's values. He hates democracy and capitalism; the same capitalism that has built our nation up to the most respected nation and sought-after refuge for the hurting and down-trodden the world has ever seen.
We got this way because of...
Our belief in the Almighty Creator and His Son Jesus. This belief has been the foundation this nation was built upon.
Don't ever forget that. It's true. You know that. Even the socialist-leaning, left-wing, forked-tongue liberals know it; though they are (very) loathe to admit it.
In November, when it comes time to cast your vote for the Presidency, vote for the Conservative, Mitt Romney. Vote for Republicans and Tea Party members for Congress. If we have Obama and all of his czars again, the spending he will continue to do will bankrupt us and allow us to be taken over by a few haters. The same haters who are spouting out their rhetoric that they have the answers, that they want to do what's best for you because you just don't know how to take care of yourself.
We know what's best: a country by the people and for the people.
God Bless America!
Obama must be voted out.
Thanks for reading.
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