Yes, Bible studies.
Here's a great article from The Blaze written by contributor Madeleine Morgenstern. She's terrific, I like her articles. I'm ashamed of our “Leaders” for even considering that
this should be penalized, let alone actually make it so.
That's a really good article, well written and informative. But what I find even more interesting is the comments afterward. Read them.
I see opinions like the ones in the comments expressed in print and online more and more lately, even on typically "mainstream" media outlets. The reason? I believe the Vast Majority of Americans are sick and tired of our Country being run into the ground by the minority. That's right: the number of left-wing, socialist-leaning, Average Joe-hating, double-standard observing, Jihadist placaters in our land is in the minority. There are less of "them" than there are of us.
From BigFurHat in an article posted on iOwntheWorld you can see another fine example of the burden we carry because of an overly bloated big government.
The really sad thing is that "we" have made this possible. "We" voted for them, "we" keep them in office, "we" allow them to make up so many, many different rules and regulations that even "they" lose track of them due to the sheer enormity of volume. There are far too many rules and regulations; it just clogs up life. You can't hardly get anything done anymore.
How do we change it? We all know the answer:
Vote for candidates that will rein in this insane out-of-control government spending by putting into action common-sense budget solutions that will control spending, cut the massive waste and insist on accountability to the People, instill real transparency, and reduce all government debt by working within the allotted revenues.
Actually doing the above mentioned is not at all difficult. It is already being done by governors and other leaders in our nation and their constituents are actually seeing results in their communities.
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Have a great day.